Click here to find Browsec in AppStore.
Tap the cloud to install:
Start using
On the first app launch, it will ask if you'd like to use Premium:
If you already have Browsec Premium via iTunes, tap Restore. To use the app in free mode, tap Close. To start the free 7-day trial, tap Subscribe.
Next, you'll see the tutorial, showing you how to use Browsec. You can close it or tap where it suggests.
Tap the switch to connect. You'll need to install the VPN profile:
The system will ask you to let Browsec add VPN configurations:
It's OK to allow this to Browsec. This is necessary for any VPN app to work. We never access the sites you visit or the data you transfer via Browsec, and no one does. This information is protected with military-grade encryption.
So just tap 'Allow' to continue.
Once Browsec is connected, the world map and the switch in Browsec become green, and the VPN icon appears in the status bar:
Now the connection is secured. All the apps and browsers are now connected via our VPN server.
To change the country, tap on it and select another country from the list:
When you don't need VPN, click the ON/OFF switch to turn off the protection.
We hope you enjoy Browsec!
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